Actor or Director Profile

Don Gordon
Detailed Movie List
Lethal Weapon
Release Date and Country: 1987, United States
Director: Richard Donner
Cast: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Černošský seržant Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover), který má pár týdnů do důchodu, dostane za parťáka bílého seržanta Martina Rigse (Mel Gibson), jenž chtěl po smrti manželky spáchat sebevraždu. Z počátk...
The Towering Inferno
Release Date and Country: 1974, United States
Director: John Guillermin, Irwin Allen
Cast: Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, William Holden...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The world's tallest skyscraper in San Francisco has just been completed and is looking forward to a grand opening gala. It could have been all in the spotlight if the builder hadn't cheated the securi...
Release Date and Country: 1968, United States
Director: Peter Yates
Cast: Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn, Jacqueline Bisset...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Mobster Johnny Ross embezzles $2 million from a mob organization. He is saved from certain retribution and death by escaping to San Francisco, where he receives protection from the powerful politician...
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