Country: Hungary
Release Date: 2020
Runtime: 89 min
Director: Nóra Lakos
Cast: Vica Kerekes, Miklós Bányai, Ferenc Elek, László Mátray, Lehel Kovács, Pál Mácsai, László Katona, Kata Pálfi, Andrea Bozó, Erik Gyarmati, Rémusz Szikszai, Annamária Láng, Emőke Zsigmond, Rozi Lovas, Anna Šišková
Movie or TV Series Plot
Dora runs a confectionery store offering sweets named after famous movie couples. She dreams of love, but in the same time dives into non-functional relationships. She is currently going through a breakup and meets her ex at a business competition. Dora decides to pretend to be a family with one dentist, because the competition is intended only for couples. Will she be able to succeed in the with a fictional family, or will this change her view of relationships?
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