Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 2020, Hungary
Director: Nóra Lakos
Cast: Vica Kerekes, Miklós Bányai, Ferenc Elek...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Dora runs a confectionery store offering sweets named after famous movie couples. She dreams of love, but in the same time dives into non-functional relationships. She is currently going through a bre...
Divided We Fall
Release Date and Country: 2000, Czechia
Director: Jan Hřebejk
Cast: Csongor Kassai, Boleslav Polívka, Anna Šišková...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia during World War II, Josef (Bolek Polívka) and Marie Cizek (Anna Šišková) are a couple whose relationship has taken a turn for the worse. To make matters more difficult...
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