The Place Beyond the Pines
Country: United States
Release Date: 2012
Runtime: 140 min
Director: Derek Cianfrance
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes, Rose Byrne, Ray Liotta, Ben Mendelsohn, Dane DeHaan, Mahershala Ali, Bruce Greenwood, Harris Yulin, Robert Clohessy, Nicole Signore, Emory Cohen, Shannon Plumb, Vanessa Thorpe, Brian Smyj, Gabe Fazio
Movie or TV Series Plot
The motorbike accompanies the unrestrained life of Luke (Ryan Gosling), a stuntman who performs cage rides on pilgrimages. He soon discovers he has a son and his life changes: he wants to secure the best future for him and maybe even win his mother's favour. However, she is already living with another man and the tattooed Luke does not give the impression of being a model father. But Luke thinks that money will change everything if he has enough of it. So he starts robbing banks on his motorbike in a frenzied getaway. However, he walks around with a jug of water for so long that the back wheel bursts and Luke has to confront the up-and-coming policeman Cross.
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