Actor or Director Profile

Mahershala Ali
Detailed Movie List
Leave the World Behind
Release Date and Country: 2023, United States
Director: Sam Esmail
Cast: Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, Mahershala Ali...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The Sandfords rent a house for the holidays, but in the midle of the night its supposed true owners appear. They ask for a place to stay because the electricity in the city is out. However, it gradual...
True Detective
Release Date and Country: 2014, United States
Director: Cary Fukunaga, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Justin Lin,...
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Monaghan...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The central characters of the series are two detectives whose lives meet and connect over seventeen years of chases a serial killer in Louisiana. ...
House of Cards
Release Date and Country: 2013, United States
Director: David Fincher, Joel Schumacher, James Foley,...
Cast: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Majority House Whip Francis Underwood wants his vengeance. Filming locations TV series House of Cards is filmed especially in Washington. ...
The Place Beyond the Pines
Release Date and Country: 2012, United States
Director: Derek Cianfrance
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The motorbike accompanies the unrestrained life of Luke (Ryan Gosling), a stuntman who performs cage rides on pilgrimages. He soon discovers he has a son and his life changes: he wants to secure the b...
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RidleyScott inserted real photo of the filming location Balloon of the Movie The World Is Not Enough.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Neighbourhood of the Movie Professor Marston & the Wonder Women.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Summer house of the Movie Being Charlie.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Traveling of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Phone box of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
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