
Movie or TV Series Plot


The story of moneyed industrialist Tony Stark is put on an impacted course against a materialistic dictator. Secret weapon? An iron-clad armor made to fight present evil and for future battles.


Iron Man is one of the first films of the expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe and one of the cornerstones of the franchise that stars Robert Downey Jr and Jeff Bridges. Adapted from the Comic of the same name, the story starts off with Tony Stark, who's a famed industrialist and arms manufacturer. While out selling one of his newer weapons models, Tony Stark and his envoy is attacked, and he's taken prisoner where he has to design and build weapons for a terrorist organization, only being able to be freed with the help of a fellow scientist that forces Tony to change, and see the damage that his weapons have done on people. From there he builds a suit of armor that acts as a defense, and a weapon itself.

26.7.2018Editor approved real photo of the filming location In front of the hotel of the Movie Iron Man.
23.7.2018georgecuthbert inserted real photo of the filming location In front of the hotel of the Movie Iron Man.

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