Actor or Director Profile

Shaun Toub
Detailed Movie List
The Last Airbender
Release Date and Country: 2010, United States
Director: Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan
Cast: Noah Ringer, Dev Patel, Nicola Peltz...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations. ...
Iron Man
Release Date and Country: 2008, United States
Director: Jon Favreau
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The story of moneyed industrialist Tony Stark is put on an impacted course against a materialistic dictator. Secret weapon? An iron-clad armor made to fight present evil and for future battles. ...
Release Date and Country: 2004, United States, Germany
Director: Paul Haggis
Cast: Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. ...
Hot Shots! Part Deux
Release Date and Country: 1993, United States
Director: Jim Abrahams
Cast: Charlie Sheen, Lloyd Bridges, Valeria Golino...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Machr Harley is at it again, in the sequel to the hugely successful parody. Topper Harley lives in a men's monastery, his incapacitated ex-commander is in the White House and a group of American hosta...
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