Actor or Director Profile

André Rouyer
Detailed Movie List
Two Men in Town
Release Date and Country: 1973, France
Director: José Giovanni
Cast: Alain Delon, Mimsy Farmer, Victor Lanoux...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Bank robber Gino Strabliggi spent ten years in prison, so he had plenty of time to reflect. He decided to continue living honestly. His tutor, Cazaneuve, believed in him, so he argued for Gino's parol...
The Widow Couderc
Release Date and Country: 1971, France, Italy
Director: Pierre Granier-Deferre
Cast: Simone Signoret, Alain Delon, Ottavia Piccolo...
Movie or TV Series Plot: France 1930. The Widow Couderc (Simone Signoret) struggles to maintain the farm on her own. She therefore welcomes the help of a young man, Jean Lavigne (Alain Delon). However, it turns out that Jean ...
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