User profile Teoretik
Man versus Destruction
Release Date and Country: 1989, Czechoslovakia
Director: Štěpán Skalský
Cast: Josef Abrhám, Hana Maciuchová, František Řehák...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The story of the film Man versus Destruction (Člověk proti zkáze) is framed by the last Karel Čapek´s days. It emphasizes that writer´s death was not caused only by his serious illness but first of...
Concert at the End of Summer
Release Date and Country: 1979, Czechoslovakia
Director: František Vláčil
Cast: Josef Vinklář, Jana Hlaváčková, Jana Hlaváčová...
Europe Danced the Waltz
Release Date and Country: 1989, Czechoslovakia
Director: Otakar Vávra
Cast: Jiří Bartoška, Josef Somr, Rudolf Hrušínský...
The Trial
Release Date and Country: 1993, United Kingdom
Director: David Hugh Jones
Cast: Kyle MacLachlan, Anthony Hopkins, Jason Robards...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In the remake of the Franz Kafka classic, Joseph K. (Kyle MacLachlan) is a bank teller who finds himself in a difficult situation when he awakes one morning to find two men in his room he does not kno...
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