
Movie or TV Series Plot


The Godfather is a Crime Drama that revolves around the Corleone family, and the organized crime world that they inhabit. The film opens up on the wedding of Don Vito's daughter, and from there chronicle the Don's youngest son, Sonny, as he reluctantly joins the Mafia and follows in the footsteps of his Father and Brothers as he enters into their world of violence, betrayal, and money. Despite trying to keep a normal relationship with his wife, Sonny is drawn deeper into the family business as the Five Families of New York start to erupt in open warfare with one another

21.4.2022Vaš-khu inserted real photo of the filming location A village called Corleone of the Movie The Godfather.
31.3.2020Safin22 inserted real photo of the filming location House on Sicily of the Movie The Godfather.
31.3.2020Safin22 inserted real photo of the filming location Wedding procession of the Movie The Godfather.
31.3.2020Safin22 inserted real photo of the filming location Sicilian wedding of the Movie The Godfather.
31.3.2020Safin22 inserted real photo of the filming location The old church of the Movie The Godfather.
10.1.2020bond inserted real photo of the filming location Killing Barzini of the Movie The Godfather.
27.4.2019PetrJust inserted real photo of the filming location Radio City of the Movie The Godfather.
3.1.2017lukasm found address of the filming location Louis Restaurant of the Movie The Godfather.
3.1.2017lukasm found address of the filming location Corleone's mansion of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location House on Sicily of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location Killing Barzini of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location Clemenza's house of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location Best & Co of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location Christening of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location The Church of the Movie The Godfather.
15.8.2016Andrew found address of the filming location Gate to the cemetery of the Movie The Godfather.

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