Love Actually
Country: United Kingdom, United States
Release Date: 2003
Runtime: 128 min
Director: Richard Curtis
Cast: Liam Neeson, Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Rowan Atkinson, Denise Richards, Bill Nighy, Laura Linney, Gregor Fisher, Sienna Guillory, Martin Freeman, Emma Thompson
Movie or TV Series Plot
Eight different relationships are dealing with love and loss throughout the hectic holiday season.
A father (Liam Neeson) is trying to help his son (Thomas Sangster) cope with losing his mother, while dealing with her death on his own.
A wife (Emma Thompson) tries to find a connection with her long-term husband (Alan Rickman) who is preoccupied at work.
A has-been singer (Bill Nighy) is working on making a comeback with The Help of his manager (Gregor Fisher).
The best man at a wedding (Andrew Lincoln) is in-love with the bride (Keira Knightly).
A sister (Laura Linney) is dealing with the pressures of meeting the demands of her mentally ill brother, while trying to have a life of her own.
A single, young man (Kris Marshall) wants to find love, and uses his English accent to land the ladies in America.
A quiet writer (Colin Firth) and his Portuguese maid (Lúcia Moniz) are unknowingly falling in-love.
The Prime Minister (Hugh Grant) has followed his surprised secretary (Martine McCutcheon)to a local school play.
All the individuals learn a lot about themselves and love, just In Time for Christmas.
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