Green Zone
Country: United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain
Release Date: 2010
Runtime: 110 min
Director: Paul Greengrass
Cast: Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Amy Ryan, Jason Isaacs, Brendan Gleeson, Khalid Abdalla, Antoni Corone, Yigal Naor, Said Faraj, Omar Berdouni, Martin McDougall, Sean Huze, Soumaya Akaaboune
Movie or TV Series Plot
Discovering covert and faulty intelligence causes a U.S. Army officer to go rogue as he hunts for Weapons of Mass Destruction in an unstable region.
28.8.2023 | Fatabuna found address of the filming location Miller's Lodge of the Movie Green Zone. |
28.8.2023 | Fatabuna found address of the filming location In the Republican Palace of the Movie Green Zone. |
11.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted filming location On the Way of the Movie Green Zone. |
8.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted filming location Miller's Lodge of the Movie Green Zone. |
8.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted filming location Green Zone of the Movie Green Zone. |
8.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted filming location In the Republican Palace of the Movie Green Zone. |
8.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted filming location Saddam’s Republican Palace of the Movie Green Zone. |
7.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted filming location Saddam International Airport of the Movie Green Zone. |
7.12.2014 | DanielSann inserted new Movie Green Zone. |
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