
Movie or TV Series Plot


Hannibal, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Anthony Hopkins in the titular role, is a continuation of the Hannibal mythos that takes place seven years after Dr. Hannibal Lecter escapes custody, and finds the cannibalistic serial killer at large in Europe where he's left a bloody swath across the countryside. Mason Verger, (Gary Oldman) remembers Lecter and finds himself obsessed with revenge as he was one of Lecter's victims. However, to catch the evil Dr. Lecter, Mason Verger realizes he needs to set someone that's bait, someone that Hannibal can't resist going after: Clarice Starling (Julianne Moore), the detective from the first movie.

Filming locations

Movie Hannibal was filmed mainly in Firenze, Italy.

12.7.2017georgecuthbert inserted real photo of the filming location In front of the train station of the Movie Hannibal.
25.1.20160kozel inserted real photo of the filming location In front of the train station of the Movie Hannibal.

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