

Movie or TV Series Plot


Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is a teenager who is best friends with a mad scientist, affectionately known as Doc (Christopher Lloyd). Doc is working on a time machine and believes to finally have the elements necessary for time travel.

Doc's time machine is wired into a DeLorean car and is primed for time travel with the use of an electrical gadget—a flux capacitor—and plutonium.

Doc asks Marty to meet with him one night to test out the time machine. Everything is going as planned, until a van full of rebels show up to retrieve their stolen plutonium.

Gunshots are fired and Doc is shot. Marty runs to help Doc, but the rebels are coming for Marty, who jumps in the car and heads—back to the future.

20.1.2014renegypsy inserted storyline of the Movie Back to the Future.

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