Jesus of Nazareth
Gesù di Nazareth
Country: United Kingdom, Italy
Release Date: 1977
Runtime: 382 min
Director: Franco Zeffirelli
Cast: Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine, James Farentino, Ian McShane, Christopher Plummer, Olivia Hussey, Claudia Cardinale, Valentina Cortese, James Earl Jones, Stacy Keach, Tony Lo Bianco, James Mason, Laurence Olivier, Donald Pleasence, Anthony Quinn, Fernando Rey, Ralph Richardson, Rod Steiger, Peter Ustinov, Michael York, Cyril Cusack, Ian Holm, Ian Bannen, Oliver Tobias, Keith Skinner, Martin Benson, Francis De Wolff, Simon MacCorkindale, Donald Sumpter, Marina Berti, Regina Bianchi, Yorgo Voyagis, Robert Beatty, Renato Terra, Forbes Collins, Renato Rascel, John Duttine, Lee Montague, Norman Eshley, Renato Montalbano, Robert Rietty, Michael Cronin, Robert Brown, Derek Godfrey, Norman Bowler, Nancy Nevinson, Paul Curran, John Tordoff, Cyril Shaps, Mark Eden, Isabel Mestres, Jonathan Adams
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