Actor or Director Profile

Tony Lo Bianco
Detailed Movie List
Kill The Irishman
Release Date and Country: 2011, United States
Director: Jonathan Hensleigh
Cast: Ray Stevenson, Val Kilmer, Christopher Walken...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The true story of Danny Greene, a tough Irish thug working for mobsters in Cleveland during the 1970's. ...
Jesus of Nazareth
Release Date and Country: 1977, United Kingdom, Italy
Director: Franco Zeffirelli
Cast: Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Beginning before the Nativity and extending through the Crucifixion and Resurrection, JESUS OF NAZARETH brings to life all the sweeping drama in the life of Jesus, as told by the Gospels. ...
Release Date and Country: 1973, United States
Director: Sidney Lumet
Cast: Al Pacino, John Randolph, Biff McGuire...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In the 1970s, it was quite common in New York City for police officers to be bribed, or outright extorted, for perceived protection. But for the system to work, everyone has to pull together. Everybod...
The French Connection
Release Date and Country: 1971, United States
Director: William Friedkin
Cast: Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider, Fernando Rey...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Jimmy Doyle and Buddy Russo stumble onto a drug smuggling job with French connection Alain Charnier. Filming locations Movie French connection were filmed in Marseille, France and in New York. ...
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Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Phone box of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
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