Actor or Director Profile

Shannyn Sossamon
Detailed Movie List
The Holiday
Release Date and Country: 2006, United States
Director: Nancy Meyers
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Iris and Amanda just failed in relationship and desperately need to change their situation. Amanda has found the Irise's house as an exchange stay, so they decided to switch their houses for Christmas...
A Knight's Tale
Release Date and Country: 2001, United States
Director: Brian Helgeland
Cast: Heath Ledger, Rufus Sewell, Shannyn Sossamon...
Movie or TV Series Plot: William Thatcher (Heath Ledger) is a poor squire, left as a child to work for a living. He turns into an agile and adept young man who needs work after the death of his employer. In his desperation...
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