Actor or Director Profile

Helen McCrory
Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 2012, United Kingdom, United States
Director: Sam Mendes
Cast: Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes...
Movie or TV Series Plot: James Bond, Agent 007, has a difficult task: to catch the thief of a disk containing the identities of all NATO secret agents in all terrorist organizations in the world. Will he succeed? ...
Charlotte Gray
Release Date and Country: 2001, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany
Director: Stephen Warbeck
Cast: Cate Blanchett, Billy Crudup, Michael Gambon...
Movie or TV Series Plot: During WWII, as she moved to London to participate in the war effort, Charlotte Gray meets Peter Gregory, a young pilot of the Royal Air force, with whom she immediately falls in love. But as he is de...
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