Actor or Director Profile

Noomi Rapace
Detailed Movie List
What Happened to Monday
Release Date and Country: 2017, United States, France, Belgium,...
Director: Tommy Wirkola
Cast: Noomi Rapace, Christian Rubeck, Willem Dafoe...
Release Date and Country: 2017, United Kingdom
Director: Michael Apted
Cast: Orlando Bloom, Noomi Rapace, John Malkovich...
Movie or TV Series Plot: After attack in Paris has CIA agent Alice moved into London to spent some time as a refugees social worker. In London is being a terrorist biohazard attack prepared, which has sent her into an action ...
Child 44
Release Date and Country: 2015, United States, Czechia, United Kingdom,...
Director: Daniel Espinosa
Cast: Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Noomi Rapace...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Lev Demidov is a war hero, his conscientious work for the Soviet secret police secured him a position, a good home for himself and his parents, and a beautiful wife. But no one can be sure of anything...
Release Date and Country: 2012, Germany, France, United States
Director: Brian De Palma
Cast: Rachel McAdams, Noomi Rapace, Karoline Herfurth...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Christine is a manager in company, where also Isabelle works. Both are quite ambitious but Christine begins to cross tolerable limits. Stunts and revenge are common in their workplace and graduate in ...
Release Date and Country: 2012, United States, United Kingdom
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fassbender...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Prometheus starts off with what appears to be a large humanoid alien releasing the contents of a vial within a water way before starting off to lead into the rest of the movie. What ultimately starts ...
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Release Date and Country: 2009, Sweden, Denmark, Germany,...
Director: Niels Arden Oplev
Cast: Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Lena Endre...
Movie or TV Series Plot: It’s been decades since Harriet Vanger’s disappearance, but her uncle Henrik Vanger (Sven-Bertil Taube), is still intent on finding out what happened to her. She disappeared on Hedeby Island where nea...
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RidleyScott inserted real photo of the filming location Balloon of the Movie The World Is Not Enough.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Neighbourhood of the Movie Professor Marston & the Wonder Women.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Summer house of the Movie Being Charlie.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Traveling of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Phone box of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
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