Actor or Director Profile

Hendrik Heutmann
Detailed Movie List
We Children from Bahnhof Zoo
Release Date and Country: 2021, Germany
Director: Philipp Kadelbach
Cast: Lena Urzendowsky, Jeremias Meyer, Jana McKinnon...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Story takes place in Berlin, 1970' and describes a group of yongsters from a poor social background. They spend a lot of time outside together and start to visit local music club, where they get famil...
The Girl in the Spider's Web
Release Date and Country: 2018, United States
Director: Fede Alvarez
Cast: Claire Foy, Sylvia Hoeks, Lakeith Stanfield...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The story describes the further adventures of Lisbeth Salander. This time, her memories take her back to her childhood, when she was abused and ran away from home with her sister Kamila. Her sister ha...
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