Actor or Director Profile

Laura Smet
Detailed Movie List
The Guardians
Release Date and Country: 2017, France
Director: Xavier Beauvois
Cast: Nathalie Baye, Olivier Rabourdin, Laura Smet...
Movie or TV Series Plot: During the First World War, many hardships were experienced by single mothers and women who were left in charge of the whole farm and whose sons and husbands had to enlist in the war. Therefore, the H...
Release Date and Country: 2017, France
Director: Olivier Marchal
Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Benoît Magimel, Michaël Youn...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Movie based on the true story about carbon trading fraud in late 90's. Story take place in France amongst criminals involved in this trade and describes their life stories. ...
Yves Saint Laurent
Release Date and Country: 2014, France
Director: Jalil Lespert
Cast: Pierre Niney, Guillaume Gallienne, Charlotte Le Bon...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Yves Saint Laurent, as a very youngman, takes the lead in the Dior fashion house. His work is initially traditional but soon becomes unconventional and provocative and he decides to establish his own ...
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