Actor or Director Profile

François Périer
Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 1974, France
Director: Alain Resnais
Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, François Périer, Anny Duperey...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Serge Alexandres Stavisky emigrated from the Ukraine to France, where he began to earn a living as a small-time con artist. However, he gradually rose higher and higher until he began to influence Fre...
The Red Circle
Release Date and Country: 1970, France, Italy
Director: Jean-Pierre Melville
Cast: Alain Delon, Gian Maria Volonté, Yves Montand...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Corey wants to make an honest living after his release from prison, where he spent five years. But a lone ride from the guards leads him to another risk-free job: robbing a jewelry store. An escaped p...
Weekend at Dunkirk
Release Date and Country: 1964, France
Director: Henri Verneuil
Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Catherine Spaak, Jean-Pierre Marielle...
Movie or TV Series Plot: In early June 1940, German troops at Dunkirk pushed the Allies to the sea coast. Here, soldiers have to wait under constant fire and air raids until a massive evacuation involving civilian vessels. Th...
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