Actor or Director Profile

Michel Berreur
Detailed Movie List
The Professional
Release Date and Country: 1981, France
Director: Georges Lautner
Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Desailly, Cyrielle Clair...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Josselin "Joss" Beaumont is dispatched as a secret agent to an African country with the aim of removing the local dictator Nyala. But after a political change, the tables are turned and the formerly i...
Hunter Will Get You
Release Date and Country: 1976, France
Director: Philippe Labro
Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Bruno Cremer, Jean Négroni...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The criminal Gérard l'Epervier, known as the Hawk, takes no hostages and leaves no witnesses. His methods of robbery are incredibly cruel and the police are short on him. There is no choice but to cal...
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