Actor or Director Profile

David Kross
Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 2013, France, Belgium, Czechia,...
Director: Ariel Zeitoun
Cast: Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Simon Abkarian...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The movie is a renewed version of the film "Angélique, Marquise des Anges" from 1964, which is itself an adaptation of the novel with the same title by Anne et Serge Golon. As a young girl, Angéliqu...
The Reader
Release Date and Country: 2008, United States, Germany
Director: Stephen Daldry
Cast: Kate Winslet, David Kross, Ralph Fiennes...
Movie or TV Series Plot: When student Michael gets sick in post-war Berlin, thirty-something Hanna helps him. The young man then seeks her out and a brief passionate relationship develops between them. They meet again eight y...
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