Actor or Director Profile

Keith David
Detailed Movie List
The Nice Guys
Release Date and Country: 2016, United States
Director: Shane Black
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, Angourie Rice...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Zmizení mladé dívky a záhadná smrt pornohvězdy Misty Mountains spolu zdánlivě nesouvisí. Až do chvíle, kdy se setkají asi nejhorší soukromý detektiv Holland March a nájemný ranař Jackson Healy. Násled...
Cloud Atlas
Release Date and Country: 2012, Germany, United States, Hong Kong,...
Director: Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski
Cast: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Sturgess...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Six stories set in different times from the early 19th century to the far future. The film builds on the idea of the connection between past and future, cause and effect and reincarnation. ...
Release Date and Country: 2004, United States, Germany
Director: Paul Haggis
Cast: Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. ...
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Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Phone box of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
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