Actor or Director Profile

Lawrence Kasdan
Detailed Movie List
As Good as It Gets
Release Date and Country: 1997, United States
Director: James L. Brooks
Cast: Helen Hunt, Jack Nicholson, Greg Kinnear...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Successful trashy romance writer Melvin Udall lives alone in his Manhattan apartment. With nothing else to do, he makes life difficult not only for his neighbors, but for everyone he meets. He is rude...
French Kiss
Release Date and Country: 1995, United Kingdom, United States
Director: Lawrence Kasdan
Cast: Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Hutton...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Kate is head over heels in love with her boyfriend Charlie. He goes to Paris, where Kate doesn't want to go because she is scared as hell of this mode of transport. But when Charlie calls her to tell ...
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