Actor or Director Profile

Oscar Isaac
Detailed Movie List
At Eternity's Gate
Release Date and Country: 2018, France, Ireland, United States,...
Director: Julian Schnabel
Cast: Willem Dafoe, Rupert Friend, Oscar Isaac...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Biographical film about Vincent van Gogh, who spent of the time in Arles, France. His mental illness began to manifest in a wierd behaviour. Despite he repeatedly undergone that time available treatme...
Ex Machina
Release Date and Country: 2015, United Kingdom
Director: Alex Garland
Cast: Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Alicia Vikander...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) wins a company contest, the prize of which is a week's stay with the company's CEO Nathan (Oscar Isaac) at his cabin in the countryside. Nathan's house is actually a research ...
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