Actor or Director Profile

Mike Nichols
Detailed Movie List
Release Date and Country: 2004, United Kingdom, United States
Director: Mike Nichols
Cast: Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The central foursome of Dan (Jude Law), Alice (Natalie Portman), Anna (Julia Roberts) and Larry (Clive Owen) go through chance and chance encounters, subsequent relationships, break-ups, attraction an...
The Graduate
Release Date and Country: 1967, United States
Director: Mike Nichols
Cast: Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, William Daniels...
Movie or TV Series Plot: After graduation, Ben's parents throw a party for him and invite their friends the Robinsons. Mrs. Robinson asks Ben to drive her home, where she unsuccessfully seduces him for the time being. Althoug...
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