Actor or Director Profile

Rhoda Griffis
Detailed Movie List
The Banker
Release Date and Country: 2020, United States
Director: George Nolfi
Cast: Anthony Mackie, Samuel L. Jackson, Nicholas Hoult...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Matt is talented in real estates. His business complicates the fact he is a blackman is 50s in US. He decides to make a deal with other black club owner, when they will hire a working-class white man ...
Release Date and Country: 2013, United States
Director: Brian Helgeland
Cast: Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Christopher Meloni...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The story of Jackie Robinson from his signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers organization in 1945 to his historic 1947 rookie season when he broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball. ...
The Blind Side
Release Date and Country: 2009, United States
Director: John Lee Hancock
Cast: Quinton Aaron, Sandra Bullock, Kathy Bates...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Movie about Michael Jerome Oher, who has grown up in a poor family, but the new one has adopted him. Step by step they will improve his academic achievement and also notice his sport talent. True stor...
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Release Date and Country: 1997, United States
Director: Clint Eastwood
Cast: John Cusack, Kevin Spacey, Jack Thompson...
Movie or TV Series Plot: John Kelso is a magazine reporter who retunrs to Savannah to write about one of William's famous Christmas parties. Filming locations Movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil were realy filmed ...
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RidleyScott inserted real photo of the filming location Balloon of the Movie The World Is Not Enough.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Neighbourhood of the Movie Professor Marston & the Wonder Women.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Summer house of the Movie Being Charlie.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Traveling of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
Ladislav2 found address of the filming location Phone box of the Movie Stand & Ollie.
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