Actor or Director Profile

Allen Leech
Detailed Movie List
Bohemian Rhapsody
Release Date and Country: 2018, United Kingdom, United States
Director: Bryan Singer
Cast: Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee...
Movie or TV Series Plot: A biographical film following the career of the most legendary rock band the Queen lead by peculiar Freddie Mercury. In the movie we can familiarize with the backgroud of making their most famous hits...
The Imitation Game
Release Date and Country: 2014, United Kingdom, United States
Director: Morten Tyldum
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode...
Movie or TV Series Plot: A true story of Alan Turing, one of the most inteligent man that participated on breaking the Enigma in WWII. ...
Downton Abbey
Release Date and Country: 2010, United Kingdom
Director: Brian Percival, Brian Kelly, Ben Bolt
Cast: Hugh Bonneville, Jessica Brown Findlay, Laura Carmichael...
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