Actor or Director Profile

Francis Perrin
Detailed Movie List
Jupiter's Thigh
Release Date and Country: 1980, France
Director: Philippe de Broca
Cast: Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Francis Perrin...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Charles-Hubert Pochet finds a rare female torso during his excavations in Greece. However, his lustful wife Agnès wants to sell it through her lover and get money. However, the historian Antoine Lemer...
Le mille-pattes fait des claquettes
Release Date and Country: 1977, France
Director: Jean Girault
Cast: Francis Perrin, Roger Miremont, Jean-Jacques Moreau...
Movie or TV Series Plot: During the German occupation of France, the Marshall Hermann Göring intends to enlarge his private collection of stolen artworks. He demands to have the Venus of Milo transferred from Le Louvre to Ber...
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