Actor or Director Profile

Jaime King
Detailed Movie List
Red Tails
Release Date and Country: 2012, United States
Director: Anthony Hemingway
Cast: Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., Bryan Cranston...
Movie or TV Series Plot: A story about American pilots called the Tuskegee Airmen set during World War II. It wasn't just any unit, but a unit made up of African-Americans, which at the time was derogatory to most people. Thi...
Two for the money
Release Date and Country: 2005, United States
Director: Daniel John Caruso
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Al Pacino, Rene Russo...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Brandon was the top quarterback in American football when his successful career was cut short by injury. To support himself, he records audiotapes and later sports betting tips. That's when Walter, ru...
Pearl Harbor
Release Date and Country: 2001, United States
Director: Michael Bay
Cast: Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Danny and Rafe have been friends since they were kids and both fell in love with planes and flying. They didn't part ways as adults, when they both became pilots in the US Army. War is already raging ...
Release Date and Country: 2001, United States
Director: Ted Demme
Cast: Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Franka Potente...
Movie or TV Series Plot: The story of George Jung, the man who established the American cocaine market in the 1970s. ...
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