Actor or Director Profile

Danny Goldring
Detailed Movie List
The Dark Knight
Release Date and Country: 2008, United States
Director: Christopher Nolan
Cast: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart...
Movie or TV Series Plot: Batman has to face the Joker. ...
Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie
Release Date and Country: 1997, United Kingdom, United States
Director: Mel Smith
Cast: Rowan Atkinson, Peter MacNicol, John Mills...
Movie or TV Series Plot: He doesn't say much, but his facial expressions say it all: as an art expert, Dr.Bean is leaving for Los Angeles. There, the wealthy General Newton donates a famous painting by James Whistler to the G...
The Fugitive
Release Date and Country: 1993, United States
Director: Andrew Davis
Cast: Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Joe Pantoliano...
Movie or TV Series Plot: He was as happy as few. A successful surgeon with a high income, a luxury car and a comfortable villa. Popular with his friends, respected by his colleagues. All that changed drastically one night. Dr...
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