The Lost Prince
Le Prince oublié
Country: France
Release Date: 2020
Runtime: 103 min
Director: Michel Hazanavicius
Cast: Bérénice Bejo, Omar Sy, François Damiens, Oudesh Rughooputh, Sarah Gaye, Keyla Fala
Time of the screenshot: 00:03:22
What's going on in movie:
Djibi lives just with his daughter.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Time of the screenshot: 00:13:39
What's going on in movie:
Djibi takes Sofia from school.
Actors on Screenshot: Omar Sy, Bérénice Bejo
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Time of the screenshot: 00:16:44
What's going on in movie:
Sofia goes to a secondary school for the first time.
Actors on Screenshot: Bérénice Bejo
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Time of the screenshot: 01:30:20
What's going on in movie:
Father admits his role finally.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Time of the screenshot: 01:30:48
What's going on in movie:
Djibi goes for his own daughter childbirth.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
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