Country: United Kingdom, Czechia, France
Release Date: 2016
Runtime: 121 min
Director: Sean Ellis
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Jamie Dornan, Anna Geislerová, Charlotte Le Bon, Toby Jones, Marcin Dorociński, Harry Lloyd, Václav Neužil ml., Jiří Šimek, Andrej Polák, Sam Keeley, Mish Boyko, Alena Mihulová, Bill Milner, Pavel Řezníček, Brian Caspe, Karel Heřmánek ml., Sára Arnsteinová, Hana Frejková, Sean Mahon, Jan Hájek, Justin Svoboda, Jan Jankovský, Jaroslav Pšenička, Detlef Bothe, David Bredin, John Martin, František Stupka, Martin Hofmann, Igor Bareš, Roman Zach, Marek Motlíček, Petr Kotík, Ondřej Malý, Patrick Kalupa, Jan Budař, Marek Pospíchal, Nicolai Borger, Miroslav Lhotka, Alexander von der Groeben
Time of the screenshot: 00:27:57
What's going on in movie:
Lenka Fafková and Jozef Gabčík go on the reunion of the resistance group.
Actors on Screenshot: Anna Geislerová, Cillian Murphy
Autor of screenshot: trempík
Found by: bobinaulrichova
Photographers: evil1972
Address: Kamenická 8, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.098205, 14.428135
Time of the screenshot: 00:08:58
What's going on in movie:
Paratroopers are heading to Prague.
Autor of screenshot: ozzy
Found by: Vescal
Photographers: Bojira
Address: Weir Bridge, Veltrusy
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.275485, 14.314139
Time of the screenshot: 00:09:10
What's going on in movie:
Gabčík and Kubiš are arriving to the Prague.
Autor of screenshot: tomik1982
Found by: tomik1982
Photographers: tomik1982
Address: Jenštejnská 8, Praha
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.075144, 14.417077
Time of the screenshot: 00:09:36
What's going on in movie:
Gabčík and Kubiš are arriving to the Prague.
Actors on Screenshot: Cillian Murphy, Jamie Dornan
Autor of screenshot: trempík
Found by: bobinaulrichova
Photographers: evil1972
Address: Kamenická 6, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.097848, 14.428154
Time of the screenshot: 00:09:50
What's going on in movie:
Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš are looking for their contact Oldřich Nováka. But a woman informs them that Oldřich has moved away long time ago. She also recommends a vet for Gabčík's wound to be treated.
Actors on Screenshot: Cillian Murphy, Jamie Dornan
Autor of screenshot: trempík
Time of the screenshot: 00:11:17
What's going on in movie:
The veterinarian sews Gabčík's injured leg.
Actors on Screenshot: Sean Mahon, Jamie Dornan, Cillian Murphy
Autor of screenshot: trempík
Time of the screenshot: 00:12:04
What's going on in movie:
A view of the National Theater.
Autor of screenshot: tomik1982
Found by: tomik1982
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.084259, 14.408806
Time of the screenshot: 00:12:09
What's going on in movie:
Lamplighter is lightning up lamps in front of the Prague castle.
Autor of screenshot: tomik1982
Found by: tomik1982
Photographers: tomik1982
Address: Hradčanské square 16, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.08979, 14.397638
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