The War of the Roses
Country: United States
Release Date: 1989
Runtime: 116 min
Director: Danny DeVito
Cast: Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas, Danny DeVito, Marianne Sägebrecht, Sean Astin, Heather Fairfield, Gervase Duan Spradlin, Peter Donat, Dan Castellaneta, Lisa Howard, Peter Hansen, Peter Brocco, Shirley Mitchell, Roy Brocksmith
Time of the screenshot: 00:05:15
What's going on in movie:
Barbara is running to the auction.
Actors on Screenshot: Kathleen Turner
Autor of screenshot: Kocourvbotach
Found by: jung
Address: Front Street Northwest 5-19, Coupeville
Country: United States
Time of the screenshot: 00:07:28
What's going on in movie:
Oliver a Barbara míří přes hřbitov na trajekt.
Actors on Screenshot: Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas
Autor of screenshot: Editor
Found by: jung
Address: Cemetery Road 100-148, Coupeville
Country: United States
Time of the screenshot: 00:14:42
What's going on in movie:
Gavin D'Amato přijíždí se svou přítelkyní Elke do Oliverova domu na večeři.
Actors on Screenshot: Danny DeVito
Autor of screenshot: Kocourvbotach
Time of the screenshot: 00:21:16
What's going on in movie:
Barbara is heading to her dreamed house.
Autor of screenshot: Kocourvbotach
Found by: Bojira
Address: 119 Fremont Place West, Los Angeles
Country: United States
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