In the Shadow
Ve stínu
Country: Czechia, Slovakia, Poland
Release Date: 2012
Runtime: 101 min
Director: David Ondříček
Cast: Ivan Trojan, Sebastian Koch, Jiří Štěpnička, Soňa Norisová, Filip Antonio, Marek Taclík, David Švehlík, Norbert Lichý, Tomáš Bambušek, Kryštof Mucha, Miroslav Krobot, Jaroslav Achab Haidler, Simona Babčáková, Jaroslava Pokorná, Hynek Čermák, Michael Hofbauer, Magdalena Zimová, Martin Myšička, Halka Jeřábek Třešňáková, Richard Stanke, Aleš Najbrt, Jaroslava Adamová, Ondřej Malý, Jan Novotný, Klára Pollertová-Trojanová, Jan Španbauer, Sergej Reiter, Martha Issová, Martin Hofmann, David Máj, Jakub Žáček, Lukáš Příkazký, Tomáš Tobola, Adam Kubišta, Jan Mazák, Jan Šantroch, Justin Svoboda, Adam Kraus, Igor Orozovič, Václav Neužil ml.
Time of the screenshot: 01:06:01
What's going on in movie:
Captain Hakl goes to buy his wife flowers
Actors on Screenshot: Ivan Trojan
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Address: crossing st. Bělehradská and Wenzigova, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.07073, 14.432962
Time of the screenshot: 01:24:27
What's going on in movie:
Captain Hakl fleeing black car
Actors on Screenshot: Ivan Trojan
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Address: Prvního pluku 23, Prague 8-Karlín
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.091719, 14.442041
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