Episode 1
Country: Italy
Release Date: 1976
Runtime: 60 min
Director: Sergio Sollima
Cast: Kabir Bedi, Philippe Leroy, Carole André, Andrea Giordana, Hans Caninenberg, Milla Sannoner, Renzo Giovampietro, Adolfo Celi
Time of the screenshot: 00:07:43
What's going on in movie:
Colonel Sir William Fitzgerald comes to wisit White Rajah of Sarawak.
Actors on Screenshot: Andrea Giordana
Autor of screenshot: real
Found by: real
Address: Chakala, Thuckalay, Tamilnádu 629175
Country: India
GPS: 8.250646, 77.32628
Time of the screenshot: 00:09:46
What's going on in movie:
Sir William Fitzgerald in Governor's residence in Sarawak.
In fact shot was taken in south India, in the palace Padmanabhpuram. It is because wooden palace and nature around looks pretty similar to Malaysian environment.
Actors on Screenshot: Andrea Giordana
Autor of screenshot: real
Found by: real
Address: Chakala, Thuckalay, Tamilnádu 629175
Country: India
GPS: 8.250515, 77.326782
Time of the screenshot: 00:14:02
What's going on in movie:
Skull Hunters from the Dayak tribe greet governor James Brook.
Actors on Screenshot: Adolfo Celi
Autor of screenshot: real
Found by: real
Address: Bhuvanagiri, Telangána
Country: India
GPS: 17.514872, 78.889786
Time of the screenshot: 00:18:04
What's going on in movie:
A pirate base - Mompracem Island.
Coordinates are located to the position, where shot of the island was taken.
Autor of screenshot: real
Found by: real
Address: 21080 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
Country: Malaysia
GPS: 5.273987, 103.181661
Time of the screenshot: 00:18:50
What's going on in movie:
Dayaks, the tribe of head hunters, set sail to Mompracem.
Autor of screenshot: real
Found by: real
Address: Gemia Island, South China Sea
Country: Malaysia
GPS: 5.232016, 103.262635
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