Europe Danced the Waltz
Evropa tančila valčík
Country: Czechoslovakia
Release Date: 1989
Runtime: 98 min
Director: Otakar Vávra
Cast: Jiří Bartoška, Josef Somr, Rudolf Hrušínský, Zora Jandová, Josef Vinklář, Jürgen Frohriep, Martin Růžek, Gustav Opočenský, Petr Kostka, Otakar Brousek st., Svatopluk Beneš, Stanislav Zindulka, Jiří Klem, Pavol Mikulík, Jozef Adamovič, Roman Hemala, Tomáš Valík, Zdeněk Podhůrský, Milan Sandhaus, Petr Skarke, Oldřich Velen, Milan Riehs, Rolf Colditz, Blanka Blahníková, Leoš Kaltofen, Drahoslava Landsmanová, Milan Mach, Jitka Malíková, Jindřich Narenta, Oldřich Vízner, Dáša Neblechová, Jiří Wohanka, Jiří Adamíra, Jiří Strach, Petr Čepek
Time of the screenshot: 00:12:35
What's going on in movie:
Kavan and Zeman at the Café Zentral met Serbian students
Actors on Screenshot: Jiří Bartoška, Zora Jandová
Autor of screenshot: PC
Found by: Teoretik
Address: Wenceslas Square 25, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.082136, 14.427165
Time of the screenshot: 00:15:18
What's going on in movie:
For the emperor brought to Schönbrunn fresh bread for breakfast
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Address: Pálffyho palác, Valdštejnská 14, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.090616, 14.405686
Time of the screenshot: 00:41:56
What's going on in movie:
Tzar and tzarina are walking up the stairs to the palace.
Actors on Screenshot: Andrej Rostockij, Nelli Pšennaja
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Photographers: svalientova
Address: Petěrgof
Country: Russian Federation
GPS: 59.885051, 29.909715
Time of the screenshot: 00:42:42
What's going on in movie:
Emperor Francis Joseph II consults with ministers on how to proceed against Serbia, where they assassinated the heir to the throne.
Actors on Screenshot: Rudolf Hrušínský, Josef Somr, Herbert Sturm, Rolf Colditz, Gustav Opočenský
Autor of screenshot: PC
Found by: Teoretik
Address: Rohanský palác, Karmelitská 8/368, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.085445, 14.404454
Time of the screenshot: 00:55:29
What's going on in movie:
Draga came to the meeting with the archivist Kavan
Actors on Screenshot: Zora Jandová
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Photographers: roze
Address: Letenský kolotoč, Letenské sady, Praha-Holešovice
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.096658, 14.425179
Time of the screenshot: 01:27:20
What's going on in movie:
Kavan brings to Hartenberg the review of his clan.
Actors on Screenshot: Jiří Bartoška
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Address: Palác Sylva-Taroucca, Na Příkopě 10, Praha-Nové Město
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.08495, 14.424913
Time of the screenshot: 01:27:27
What's going on in movie:
The doctor states the death of Count Hartenberg and his valet calls the police station
Actors on Screenshot: Milan Sandhaus, Gustav Opočenský, Oldřich Velen
Autor of screenshot: Teoretik
Found by: Teoretik
Address: Kolovratský palác, Valdštejnská 10, Prague
Country: Czechia
GPS: 50.090582, 14.406433
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