American Beauty
Country: United States
Release Date: 1999
Runtime: 122 min
Director: Sam Mendes
Cast: Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Wes Bentley, Thora Birch, Mena Suvari, Peter Gallagher, Allison Janney, Chris Cooper, Scott Bakula, Sam Robards, Ara Celi, John Cho
This exterior view was filmed on a set on the lot at Burbank. Only the interiors of the house were filmed at the actual address location mentioned.
2022-10-11 19:15:17
Thank you for the confirmation :)
L.A. Piper Wrote:
This too was filmed at South High School in Torrance CA. Just outside the main gymnasium. The next scene of Kevin Spacey obsessing over Mena Suvari was filmed a few feet away in front of South High parking lot.
2021-11-26 13:36:14
L.A. Piper
This too was filmed at South High School in Torrance CA. Just outside the main gymnasium. The next scene of Kevin Spacey obsessing over Mena Suvari was filmed a few feet away in front of South High parking lot.
2021-11-06 12:41:24
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