
Beauty and the Beast: Live Action Remake

Beauty and the Beast: Live Action Remake

Who can ever forget the timeless Disney classic that is "Beauty and the Beast", the 1991 classic that's brought joy to thousands, fi not millions, of viewers since it first hit the theaters and has since become one of the flagship films of the Disney Rennaissance? The answer to that is no one, even 25 years later,and it's not hard to see why. Between the animation that's still set the bar high for traditional animation, the award-winning music, and the copious amounts of praise from critics that come even today, "Beauty and the Beast" will always be a part of childhoods everywhere.

Emma Watson

So it's no surprise then that Disney, on the heels of success from other live action remakes that include "Alice in Wonderland", and "Maleficent" would want to remake the classic for modern audiences and do so with a film that came to define Disney quality in the early 90's. While the initial planning stages of the film have been discussed and tossed around from Producer to Producer for the last several years, the film is now set for a March 17, 2017, release and was directed by director Bill Condon, with a writing team that consists of both Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos

Emma Watson & Dan Stevens

Though with writing, there really isn't much that should be changed from the story as one source indicated it'll be close in tone to the original animated movie. After all, we know the plot of the story by now: Belle is an eccentric, if beautiful, young woman who ends up being taken prisoner in the Castle of the Beast who eventually comes to understand him while befriending the castles myriad of different enchanted staff and servants, and who eventually starts to develop feelings for the Beast as she realizes there more to him than his outward appearance. At the same time, having to fend off the selfish desires of Gaston, a woodsman, and hunter who wants her all for herself.

To pick up the story, Disney cast a wide array of award-winning actors and actresses to fill the roster of characters, with such beloved people such as Emma Watson (Of Harry Potter fame) playing the role of Belle, Dan Stevens as the beast, and Luke Evans as Gaston. But the famous roles don't stop there as "Beauty and the Beast" also has stars Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson, and Ewan McGregor as various side characters in the enchanted castle.

Emma Watson

Not only that, but the filming locations for the film are just as stunning as the cast and story, with a majority of filming having been done at Shepperton Studios in London, starting may 18th of 2015, and ending August 21st of 2015 after finishing production in house in various different Disney Studios.

One thing is for certain, though: Due to the affection most people have for the classic movie, "Beauty and the Beast" is hyped to sweep the box office in March of 2017, and be a welcomed addition to the Disney lineup.


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