Epizode 3
Arsène Lupin
Country: France, United States
Release Date: 2021
Runtime: 47 min
Director: Ludovic Bernard, Louis Leterrier, Marcela Said, Hugo Gélin, Daniel Grou, Xavier Gens
Cast: Omar Sy, Vincent Londez, Shirine Boutella, Nicole Garcia, Antoine Gouy, Clotilde Hesme, Hervé Pierre, Ludivine Sagnier, Soufiane Guerrab, Vincent Furic, Cédric Meusburger, Arthur Choisnet, Grégoire Colin, Ary Gabison, Xavier Lemaître, Adama Niane, Saïd Benchnafa, François Creton, Moussa Sylla, François Uzan, Vincent Garanger, Bénédicte-Lala Ernoult, Anne Benoît, Jean-Pierre Cormarie, Abel Jafri, Stéphane Ly-Cuong, Bérangère Dautun, Fargass Assandé, Lea Bonneau, Léo Boucry, Johann Dionnet, Xavier Gojo, Quentin Gouget, Kamel Guenfoud, Mamadou Haidara, Mohamed Nouar, Charlotte Saliou, Noam Schmitz, Etan Simon, Martin Trouvé-Dugény, Jocelyne Vignon, Adrian Valli De Villebonne, Mehdi Fettah, Karim Lasmi, Linda Massoz, Denis Mathieu, Lazare Mohamed, Athaya Monkozi, Étienne Ménard, Eric Paul, Sébastien Lozach, Ludmilla Makowski, Christian Gazio, Melvin Habib, Guillaume Auvert, Jean-Marc Lallement, Véronique Viel, Marie Barraud, Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch, Charles Dupisre, Olivier Ho Hio Hen, Caroline Borderieux, Valérie de Dietrich, David Forgit, Fabien Giameluca, Pierre Rousselet, Nicolas Wanczycki, Pierre Lottin, Adèle Wismes, Xavier Robic, Martha Canga Antonio, Julien Pestel, Audrey Looten, Maximilien Seweryn, Charles-Roger Bour, Eric Bougnon, Stefan Crepon, Naky Sy Savané, Jean Benguigui, Salif Cissé, Bertrand Lacy, Luc-Antoine Diquéro, Gabrielle Atger, Noé Wodecki, Armand Eloi, Blandine Pélissier, Malik Amraoui, Foued Nabba, Frédéric Kneip, Laurence Cormerais, Sandra Parfait, Jean-Louis Cassarino, Antony Hickling, Nicolas Berno, Laurent Pons, Jérôme Quintard, Edouard Michelon, Steve Tientcheu, Bruno Paviot, Emmanuelle Bougerol, Patrick Rocca, Philippe Résimont, Salim Kissari, Lucile Perez, Benoît Tachoires, Mathieu Milella, Tonio Descanvelle, Salim Kechiouche, Maud Le Guenedal, Franck Mercadal, Marion Creusvaux
Time of the screenshot: 00:08:08
What's going on in movie:
Detective did not find connection between theft and personal driver.
Actors on Screenshot: Hervé Pierre
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: Lamia83
Address: Rue de Monceau 63, Paris
Country: France
GPS: 48.879249, 2.312234
Time of the screenshot: 00:25:10
What's going on in movie:
Police has a clue.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: Lamia83
Address: Rue Stanislas Meunier 4, Paris
Country: France
GPS: 48.868628, 2.410018
Time of the screenshot: 00:27:54
What's going on in movie:
Police came late again.
Actors on Screenshot: Omar Sy
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
Found by: ladak1
Address: Rue Eugène Spuller 2, Paris
Country: France
GPS: 48.864063, 2.361486
Time of the screenshot: 00:31:22
What's going on in movie:
Commissioner is released and returns home.
Autor of screenshot: Banatova
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